
Oh where has time gone?

Oh hey there...here we are 2 months later.

With that said I have many updates! I'll try and split them up in different posts so there's not just the usual HUGE post. :)  

Where to begin? Well, 12 hours after this little guy was born, David was on a flight back to Thailand to finish up his internship. It was crazy and I never want to do that again! haha, I felt even worse for David. Nothing like having an emotionally unstable wife bawling for him to not go back and that we can just live off of love and making crafts for the rest of our lives. haha oh man...

After that, it was a rude awakening to what motherhood was all about. I have come to realize that people don't tell you about the week after childbirth because then no one would have anymore children. Seriously. There is nothing that can prepare you for the week after. I don't know about natural child birth, but with a c-section. OH. MY. GOSH. It was miserable, and then you add an infant to the equation and BAM! Needless to say, I'm pretty sure the only way Kellan and I survived was because of the kind hospital staff and my INCREDIBLE parents! 

After being released from the hospital, I envisioned a Gerber baby commercial-like child. Pleasant, cooing all the time, and playful. Unfortunately that was shattered within minutes. Kellan screamed NONSTOP for 2 weeks. No lie, I hate to admit it, but at times, I realized why they showed me so many videos and booklets about not shaking your baby. I was so frustrated and sleep deprived because this little guy (as sweet as he looks) was painfully screaming for 2 weeks straight. What was even worse, I could tell that he was in pain and I didn't know what was going on! He would arch his back and turn bright red and just scream out in pain. It broke my heart every time. We were both so miserable. 

My mom didn't remember the first weeks being like that, and so when we went to the doctors again for a checkup and weigh in, we mentioned our dilemma and had him tested for allergies. Well, come to find out Kellan has a milk protein intolerance!! No wonder our little man was in so much pain! Once we found that out I cut all dairy and soy products from my diet and suddenly I had a normal little baby boy! It was  DREAM!!! Since I've cut those products from my diet Kellan has been the most perfect and wonderful little guy ever. He did a complete 180 within 2 days and since has become more and more pleasant and playful. I'm pretty sure one of the reasons he has this allergy was so I would appreciate how incredible this little guy is. 

Overall, the first couple of weeks were a serious wakeup call to motherhood. I grew to not only love my little boy more and more each day regardless of what was going on, but also appreciate every little thing about him. 


  1. I LOVE THESE PICTURES! Kellan looks so great and is clearly loving the camera :) And I love your honesty- way to just say it how it is. That first year with baby #1 is full of craziness so keep pluggin away you are doing great!

  2. I am glad you found out about the milk! what a relief! such cute pictures! you are an amazing mom!
