
you sunk my battleship!

Battleship: noun-a game in which people sit in canoes and paddle around trying to sink other people's canoes by pouring water in them. you are not allowed to take water out of your own canoe but you are allowed shields and buckets. you play 3, 15 min. games and the last one standing wins. it is a game of pure skill and strategy. 

yes, it sounds a little weird, but in all reality, it is so much fun and actually i really good work out for your arms and back. In playing last night i realized a few things:

1. i am very out of shape (not just how i looked in the bathing suit, but how i can hardly move today)
2. i forgot how much i love being at the pool
3. people get VICIOUS over petty things-it's actually quite entertaining. 
4. i think that people are uglier in the winter because of the lack of sun. if we could all have that summer glow throughout the year, i think the dating rate at BYU-idaho would go up in the winter-or just even out instead of decrease. (and yes there are actual studies on this) 
5. i have the best fans EVER!!! so dedicated. i mean really, who would stay in a stuffy pool deck and cheer me on for 2 hours?! 

it was a delightful match and let's be honest here, my competitive side came out and we were in the top 2 the whole time :) do i regret going all out now? eh...maybe a little, i'm quite sore and my thighs have been screaming at me all day. stairs are a killer and lucky for me, my english class is on the THIRD floor of the smith building, so i had a lovely reminder of what i put myself though last night. but all in all it was totally worth it. :) and yes, i will be playing again next week. but, i will be having knee pads and goggles-my eyes were BURNING so bad by the end of the night, and my knees and the tops of my feet were rubbed RAW from sitting up the whole time.  
and really, it doesn't help that my back is sore from my period-ugh speaking of periods, for all of you who don't care you can skip on down a little bit-but really, i was freaking 5 days late this month-just started today so i'm a little feisty, but seriously, i'm NEVER late!! i always dreaded my period, and then when it wouldn't come for 5 days, i never thought i'd be happy to see it! and now all i can do is pray for it to go away again. i think that's why my back is so tender. ok, sorry about the rant, oh ps with that, i was SHOCKED at some women! i'm seriously NEVER late, EVER and so suddenly when it doesn't come i start to get a little nervous and i ask a few friends and the one is just a girl in my communication class who's a nurse and when i asked her she assumed that i was pregnant! ha-only at byu-idaho, i was like ummm...i'm not married, and then she said again-but do you think you're pregnant? i looked at her and said in my nicest voice "no" she then went on to tell me how there's a high abortion and pregnancy out of wedlock percentage for this area so she was just making sure-i was shocked and tried not to be offended by her thinking i was that promiscuous, but whatever-she was a nurse and was just asking a standard question. 

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh! Only at BYUI would they have such a funny "sport" such has sinking canoes. I love it. I'm sorry to hear that you were sore though. I'm starting with a personal trainer soon and I'm sure he is going to kick my butt. So I will be feeling the pain with you VERY soon!
