
Harry Potter

Now some of you may not know this, but until recently-I have never been into Harry Potter. At first it was mere ignorance, and then I just was never interested. My life had been perfectly normal and great and I was fine without having it or it's book/movies in my life. Then David's mom came to town. Now, I thought that she had known that I wasn't a Harry Potter follower when we met/dated/were engaged and married, but little did I know-that was a secret David had hid all this time. Like waterskiing is to our family, Harry Potter is to David's.

It was a normal conversation that was going fine and then I opened my mouth about not reading any of the Harry Potter books but one. The look on Momma G's face was like I had punched her in the gut a few times and then laughed. She then looked at David and said, "did you KNOW this?!" David, goes "well, yea-I thought you knew....she's reading them now..." The conversation continued and it all came out. I did not like Harry Potter, and even after reading the first book, I wasn't hooked...but I was willing to watch the movies. While this wasn't the best answer to Momma G, it was sufficient enough for the time being, and all she said was, "don't let you're dad know, she'll be kicked out for sure."

 While this is how I see Harry and his buds now

 This is how I like to think of him. 

young, innocent and full of curiosity-love it. Also, I think he looks like my twin brother Mitch in this one. Same hair cut, almost the same glasses (mitch's were bigger and a little thicker, [thanks mom] )

Well, I am here to say that not only have I watched all of the movies-but I actually enjoyed them as well. I can't promise that I'll read the books, BUT, I can carry on a good conversation and pose some questions about the plot and it's characters. This past week was a Harry Potter overload in where every night we watched a Harry Potter movie-David was too kind and filled in all of the little details and answered ALL of my questions. We then rented part 1 of the Deathly hollows and on Saturday, we went to Part 2. OH MY GOSH-for not reading the books, I got pretty hooked and distraught about some of the twists in the last few movies. Needless to say, I hope that I will not get kicked out of the Gailey family and that my newfound adoration for Potter will been enough. hahaha-As long as we don't have to name our first born Harry or Hermione I'll be fine with whatever :)

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