
This morning I fell off the bed

This morning I realized that I am not the only bed hog. David is. How did I come up with that conclusion you might ask? well....long story short-David and I are down in Salt lake visiting with family and currently sharing a full size bed. Now, at home, David and I have a king sized bed and usually David stays in his one spot and I just roam around the bed the whole night. (i'm what you call an active sleeper) well...this morning I woke up mid fall...yes, I fell out of be this morning-David had moved from is spot into the middle and left me ehhhhh a foot of sleeping space, and with me being such an active sleeper, that is just not enough room. I know you might be telling yourself, "wow-mandy's a pretty demanding sleeper" and yes my friend, you are right. I know that I roam in my sleep and that I take up most of the bed, but today-it has changed. David can't make fun of me anymore, and he can't complain that he's lucky he's big or else I would've pushed him off the bed months ago. He moves too. and pushed ME off the bed early this morning. While this may not be the biggest victory in the whole world, I am pretty excited to tell him that he's not the only active sleeper. And that he does move in his sleep-maybe only a few inches, but boy do those inches count. haha

Also, if you happen to read my blog, please remember that I am trying to keep up with a 2nd blog (i know, i can hardly update this one) that has recipes, crafts, funny happenings of the week, etc. It's a party. it's www.mandygailey.blogspot.com enjoy! 

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