Tonight David and I went and saw Inception-INCREDIBLE MOVIE!!!! We both just loved it! It made you think and had you in suspense the whole time. But tonight I wasn't just watching the movie-but I was observing people as well. :)
As we were in line I realized that there were a few first dates, and a few old timers and then the awkward couples that you can't help but stare at. You stand in line and suddenly the person behind you becomes your best friend and eventually tries to cut you in line so that they could get a ticket for sure. (BTW david and I got the LAST 2 tickets of the evening to the 9.15 showing of the movie WAHOO!!!! ) Take that boy who tried to cut us and bring his friends along!
So as you enter the theater you have the creepy couple sitting in the top left corner who are just staring into each others eyes and when they're not doing that they're making out. I mean really-it's bad when I think that there's some sort of background noise in the movie and I'm just not seeing it yet but then I hear a faint grunt besides me and realize that it's the continual lip smacking that's going on the whole time 1 seat away...i'm not a fan. So of course I awkwardly stare at you for a few moments trying to creep you out so you stop, but no, it continues on till the credits start. thank you awkward make out couple for making my movie viewing experience the best it's ever been.
in front of you there's the guy who's picking his nose because it must be a nervous habit he hasn't grown out of yet and not be able to help it because we all know that it's socially unacceptable and the way that he was going for it was a little more than obvious.
at the end you have the high school student who has to scream and yell about how great the movie is and then have him and his posse follow you down the stairs and out into the hallway still hooping and hollering because it just "blows your mind!!!"
then you have that couple that you can just tell it was a first date and they are just twitterpated. you can't help but smile and be happy for them, especially the girl because it's obvious that she's nervous and spent a good 2 hours getting ready for the date and it all paid off. she looks stunning and her date knows it and has his chest puffed up and is excited that it went well and wants to ask her out again.
there's the older couple who you see are still madly in love with each other and had a few hours to go to dinner and a movie without the 8 kids. holding hands and laughing like they were our age again. they look around and relive the memories, but are grateful for their experiences and lives at that moment.
and then there's people like david and me- just 2 kids looking for a night out, trying to escape the stresses of life and finals.
oh there is nothing better than dinner, a movie and people watching. :)
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